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Version: 4.0.0

Create your first Team

This page will explains how to create a team inside your project.


Make sure to have your project created by following the steps on this page.

Create the Model

  1. In '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain' create 'Company' folder, then create a folder 'Entities' into it. Use the parent's domain existing module folder if exists.
  2. Create empty class 'Company.cs' and add following:
// <copyright file="Company.cs" company="MyCompany">
// Copyright (c) MyCompany. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

namespace MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain.Company.Entities
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain.User.Entities;

/// <summary>
/// The company entity.
/// </summary>
public class Company : Team
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Id.
/// </summary>
public int Id { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the company name.
/// </summary>
public string CompanyName { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Add row version timestamp in table Company.
/// </summary>
public byte[] RowVersionCompany { get; set; }
  1. In case of children team, ensure to have logical links between the parent and child entities.

Make sure to inherit from Team and expose a byte[] row version property mapped to column RowVersion.
Complete with all necessary properties.
NOTE : you should expose the Id property even if it's hide the inherited property of Team

Complete DataContext

  1. Go in '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Infrastructure.Data' folder.
  2. Open DataContext.cs and add your new DbSet<Company> :
    public class DataContext : BiaDataContext
// Existing DbSet<T>

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Company DBSet.
/// </summary>
public DbSet<Company> Companies { get; set; }
  1. In folder ModelBuilders, create class CompanyModelBuilder.cs or use parent's model builder, and add :
namespace MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Infrastructure.Data.ModelBuilders
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain.Company.Entities;

/// <summary>
/// Class used to update the model builder for Company domain.
/// </summary>
public static class CompanyModelBuilder
/// <summary>
/// Create the model for projects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modelBuilder">The model builder.</param>
public static void CreateModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

/// <summary>
/// Create the model for companiess.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modelBuilder">The model builder.</param>
private static void CreateCompanyModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Use ToTable() to create the inherited relation with Team in database
  1. If added to existing parent's model builder, add only the method CreateCompanyModel and make a call inside the CreateModel method.
  2. Back to DataContext.cs, ensure to have a call to your model builder's method CreateModel :
    public class DataContext : BiaDataContext
/// <inheritdoc cref="DbContext.OnModelCreating"/>
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// Existing model builders

  1. In case of children team, ensure to specify logical links between the parent and child entities.

Generate DTO

Using BIAToolKit

  1. Launch the BIAToolKit, go to the tab "Modify existing project".
  2. Set your parent project path, then select your project folder.
  3. Go to "DTO Generator" tab.
  4. Fill the form as following : DTO-Team_Add
  5. Then, click on Generate button !

Children Team case

Complete the generated DTO :

  • ensure to set the first AncestorTeam parent's type into BiaDtoClass class annotation
  • set IsParent to true in BiaDtoField field annotation for parent's id property
/// <summary>
/// The DTO used to represent a company child.
/// </summary>
[BiaDtoClass(AncestorTeam = "Company")]
public class CompanyChildDto : TeamDto

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the parent's company id.
/// </summary>
[BiaDtoField(IsParent = true, Required = true)]
public int CompanyId { get; set; }

Generate CRUD

Using BIAToolKit

  1. Launch the BIAToolKit, go to the tab "Modify existing project".
  2. Set your parent project path, then select your project folder.
  3. Go to "CRUD Generator" tab.
  4. Fill the form as following : BIAToolKitConfig
  5. If your Team inherits from parent, click on the "Has Parent" checkbox and complete the parent's name singular and plural
  6. Then, click on Generate button !

Customize generated files

After the files generation, some customization is needed.


Open your DotNet project solution in '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet' and complete the following files.

  1. Go in 'MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Crosscutting.Common\Enum' folder and open RoleId.cs file.
  2. Adapt the enum value of the generated value CompanyAdmin.
  3. In case of children team, review the TeamLeader created value. Delete new generated value if already exists and in use by other teams.
  1. Stay in 'MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Crosscutting.Common\Enum' folder and open TeamTypeId.cs file.
  2. Adapt the enum value of the generated value Company.


Open your Angular project folder '...\MyFirstProject\Angular' and complete the following files.

  1. Go in 'src\app\shared' folder and open constants.ts file.
  2. Go in TeamTypeId enum declaration.
  3. Adapt the enum value of the generated value Company.
  1. Stay in 'src\app\shared' folder and open navigation.ts file.
  2. Adapt the path of the generated navigation for companies :
labelKey: 'app.companies',
permissions: [Permission.Company_List_Access],
/// TODO after creation of CRUD Team Company : adapt the path
path: ['/companies'],
  1. In case of children team, you can move if needed the generated content into the children's array of parent BiaNavigation :
labelKey: 'app.companies',
permissions: [Permission.Company_List_Access],
path: ['/companies'],
children: [
/// BIAToolKit - Begin Partial Navigation CompanyMaintenance
labelKey: '',
permissions: [Permission.CompanyMaintenance_List_Access],
/// TODO after creation of CRUD Team Company : adapt the path
path: ['/company-maintenances'],
/// BIAToolKit - End Partial Navigation CompanyMaintenance
  1. Go in 'src\app\features\companies\model' or the children parent's path of the generated feature companies and open the company.ts file.
  2. Adapt the field configuration if needed.
  3. Remove all unused imports from the generated file.

Complete traductions

  1. Go in '...\MyFirstProject\Angular\src\assets\i18n\app'
  2. Complete each available language traduction JSON file with the correct values :
"app": {
"companies": "companies"
"company": {
"add": "Add company",
"edit": "Edit company",
"listOf": "List of companies",
"headerLabel": "Company",
"admins": "Company administrators",
"filterMember": "Member user",
"goto": "View Company",
"companyName": "Company name"

Update the database

  1. Open the solution '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyFirstProject.sln'.
  2. Open a new Package Manager Console.
  3. Set default project to MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Infrastructure.Data.
  4. Run command add-migration -context "DataContext" AddTeamCompany (replace Company by your new team).
  5. Verify the generated migration.
  6. Run command update-database -context "DataContext"
  7. Verify your database.

Testing your Team

  1. Run the DotNet solution.
  2. Launch npm start in Angular folder.
  3. Go to http://localhost:4200/
  4. Navigate to the company team list. BIAToolKitConfig