Setup angular development environment:
Minimum requirement
NodeJS and NPM With Admin right
Install the same version of node.js as the one installed on the build server (20.11.1)
Choose either the x64 msi version or if you choose a zip version, modify the PATH env variable to add the path to the nodejs folder containing the npm command
To check the installed version of node.js, use the following command: node -v
If you work behind a company proxy, run the following command to configure the proxy for npm :
npm config set proxy add_your_proxy_url_here
To be able to compile Angular projects that use a version lower than 13, add this line to your .npmrc file
Align npm version
The npm version should be align on the node version (
To install the version 10.2.4 (correspond to node V20.11.1) run the following command:
npm install -g npm@10.2.4
NodeJS and NPM Without Admin right
- Download a zip of the 64-bit Windows binary
- Create folder %USERPROFILE%\bin\nodejs, then extract the zip contents into this folder
- Open Command Prompt and set environment variables for your account
setx NODEJS_HOME "%USERPROFILE%\bin\nodejs\node-v20.11.1-win-x64"
- Restart Command Prompt
- Confirm installation
node --version
npm --version
(Optional) Instal Angular globally
Use to create a new Angular empy project at the last version. (but not required by creation with BIAToolkit):
npm install -g @angular/cli@16.2.12
install project npm packages (including angular)
Go to the Angular folder and run the following command npm install
Visual Studio Code
Install Visual Studio Code and add the following extensions:
- adrianwilczynski.csharp-to-typescript
- alexiv.vscode-angular2-files
- danwahlin.angular2-snippets
- donjayamanne.githistory
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- johnpapa.Angular2
- kisstkondoros.vscode-codemetrics
- Mikael.Angular-BeastCode
- ms-dotnettools.csharp
- ms-vscode.powershell
- PKief.material-icon-theme
- shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
- VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one