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Log Helper

This document explains how to use the log helper to log the execution time of functions or instructions


A log utility class LogHelper is available in the framework in BIA.Net.Core.Common.Helpers to help log execution times of functions. Two methods are available :

  1. "Begin" that returns a Stopwatch (from System.Diagnostics) that starts at the call of the function
  2. "End" that takes the Stopwatch as a parameter to log the elapsed time between the Begin and End functions.


LogHelper functions take the logger of your application as first parameter. You can get it by injecting ILogger in your constructor or if you have access to serviceProvider by calling serviceProvider.GetService<ILogger<MyService>>();

using BIA.Net.Core.Common.Helpers;

public class MyService
// My logger
private readonly ILogger<MyService> logger;

// Constructor
public MyService(ILogger<MyService> logger)
this.logger = logger;

// Function to log
public void MyFunction()
string methodName = nameof(this.MyFunction);
string className = this.GetType().Name;
Stopwatch stopwatch = LogHelper.Begin(this.logger, className, methodName, "My optional start message");

// My instructions
// End of my instructions

// Setting warning time at 10s instead of default 30s with last parameters because function should be fast
LogHelper.End(this.logger, className, methodName, stopwatch, "My optional end message", 10d);