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Data Service

This document explains how to quickly create a Service that get or update data from database.

BIA accelerator

Some classes have been incorporate to accelerate the creation of a service:

  • AppServiceBase
  • FilteredServiceBase (inherit of AppServiceBase)
  • CrudAppServiceBase (inherit of FilteredServiceBase)
  • CrudAppServiceListAndItemBase (inherit of FilteredServiceBase)

It is recommended to always create service that inherit of FilteredServiceBase to be able to correctly filter the access to the data.


It add a filter that can be based on the user context or functional need. Example are explain in FilterData.

With an implemented dtos and mapper between dto and entity, this class offer add, read, update and delete function secured by the filter.


This class is use a dto and a mapper passed in the declaration. And simplify the usage of the functions.


This class is use 2 dtos and 2 mapper passed in the declaration. And simplify the usage of the functions. A dto is use to add, read, update and delete a simple item. The second for of list items.

It can be use in CRUD when detail screen request more complex info than list. To increase performances of the list.


If a service preform several update add or delete actions, it should encapsulate in a transaction. It avoid to stay in a partial state if the first action run correctly but not the others.

    public override async Task<PlaneDto> AddAsync(PlaneDto dto, string mapperMode = null)
using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
// begin of the actions in database
var dtoAdded = await base.AddAsync(dto, mapperMode);
dtoAdded.Msn = "Plane number " + dtoAdded.Id;
var dtoUpdated = await base.UpdateAsync(dtoAdded, mapperMode);
// end of the actions in database

// commit the add in database only if the to update haven't fail.

return dtoUpdated;