Create your first Relation
We will create a relation between CRUD 'Plane' and option 'PlaneType' (previously created).
Open with Visual Studio 2022 the solution '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyFirstProject.sln'.
Open the entity 'Plane':
- In '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain\PlaneModule\Aggregate' open class 'Plane.cs' and add 'PlaneType' declaration:
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the plane type.
/// </summary>
public virtual PlaneType PlaneType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the plane type id.
/// </summary>
public int? PlaneTypeId { get; set; }
- Update the DTO 'PlaneDto':
- In '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain.Dto\Pane' open class 'PlaneDto.cs' and add 'PlaneType' declaration:
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the plane type title.
/// </summary>
[BiaDtoField(ItemType = "PlaneType")]
public OptionDto PlaneType { get; set; }
- Update the Mapper 'PlaneMapper':
- In '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Domain\PlaneModule\Aggregate' folder, open class 'PlaneMapper' and add:
public override ExpressionCollection<Plane> ExpressionCollection
{ HeaderName.PlaneType, plane => plane.PlaneType != null ? plane.PlaneType.Title : null },
public override void DtoToEntity(PlaneDto dto, Plane entity)
// Mapping relationship 0..1-* : PlaneType
entity.PlaneTypeId = dto.PlaneType?.Id;
public override Expression<Func<Plane, PlaneDto>> EntityToDto()
// Mapping relationship 0..1-* : PlaneType
PlaneType = entity.PlaneType != null ? new OptionDto
Id = entity.PlaneType.Id,
Display = entity.PlaneType.Title,
: null,
public override Func<PlaneDto, object[]> DtoToRecord(List<string> headerNames = null)
if (string.Equals(headerName, HeaderName.PlaneType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
public struct HeaderName
/// <summary>
/// Header Name PlaneType.
/// </summary>
public const string PlaneType = "planeType";
- Update the ModelBuilder
- In '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Infrastructure.Data\ModelBuilders', open class 'PlaneModelBuilder.cs' and add 'PlaneType' relationship:
/// <summary>
/// Create the model for planes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modelBuilder">The model builder.</param>
private static void CreatePlaneModel(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Plane>().Property(p => p.PlaneTypeId).IsRequired(false); // relationship 0..1-*
modelBuilder.Entity<Plane>().HasOne(x => x.PlaneType).WithMany().HasForeignKey(x => x.PlaneTypeId);
- Update the DataBase
- Launch the Package Manager Console (Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console).
- Be sure to have the project MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Infrastructure.Data selected as the Default Project in the console and the project MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Presentation.Api as the Startup Project of your solution
- Run first command:
Add-Migration 'update_feature_Plane' -Context DataContext
- Verify new file 'xxx_update_feature_Plane.cs' is created on '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyCompany.MyFirstProject.Infrastructure.Data\Migrations' folder, and file is not empty.
- Update the database when running this command:
Update-DataBase -Context DataContext
- Verify 'Planes' table is updated in the database (column 'PlaneTypeId' was added).
- Automatically Update CRUD
- Start the BIAToolKit and go on "Modify existing project" tab*
- Choose:
- Projects parent path to "C:\Sources\Test"
- Project folder to MyFirstProject
- Open "Add CRUD" tab
- Generation:
- Choose Dto file: PlaneDto.cs
- Information message appear: "Generation was already done for this Dto file"
- Verify "WebApi" and "Front" Generation are checked
- Verify only "CRUD" Generation Type is checked
- Verify "Entity name (singular)" value is Plane
- Verify "Entity name (plural)" value is Planes
- Verify "Display item" value is Msn
- On option item list, check "PlaneType" value
- Click on "Generate" button
- Check DotNet generation
- Return to Visual Studio 2022 on the solution '...\MyFirstProject\DotNet\MyFirstProject.sln'.
- Rebuild solution
- Project will be run, launch IISExpress to verify it.
- Check Angular generation
- Run VS code and open the folder 'C:\Sources\Test\MyFirstProject\Angular'
- Launch command on terminal
npm start
- Open 'src/app/shared/navigation.ts' file and update path value to '/planes' for block with "labelKey" value is 'app.planes'
(see 'src/app/app-routing.module.ts' file to get the corresponding path) - Open web navigator on address: http://localhost:4200/ to display front page
- Click on "PLANES" tab to display 'Planes' page.
- Add traduction
- Open 'src/assets/i18n/app/en.json' and add:
"plane": {
"planeType": "Plane Type",
- Open 'src/assets/i18n/app/fr.json' and add:
"app": {
"planes": "Avions",
"plane": {
"planeType": "Type d'avions",
- Open 'src/assets/i18n/app/es.json' and add:
"app": {
"planes": "Planos",
"plane": {
"planeType": "Tipos de planos",
- Open web navigator on address: http://localhost:4200/ to display front page
- Open 'Plane' page and verify label has been replaced.