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Version: 3.10.0

Prepare Migration

If it was not done at the delivery set tags on project BIATEMPLATE at the last commit of the delivery

  1. To have the full log history open powershell:
cd ...\BIATemplate
git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ad"
  1. select the correct commit id corresponding to the date
  2. Create the tag directly in the azure devops interface: (
  3. Sync your local repository BIATemplate

Create the git differential patch

  1. Use git batch (V2.30.1 or higher) and run command (ex for V3.2.0 to V3.2.2):
cd "...\\BIATemplate"
git diff V3.2.0 V3.2.2 > ..\\BIADemo\\Docs\\Migration\\Patch\\3.2.0-3.2.2.patch
  • In your BIACompanyFiles repo copy the last version folder and rename it with the new version name.
  • Apply in this new folder the difference concerning your company files (generally it is in the appsettings.(...).json or bianetconfig.(...).json)
  • Create the diff for company files in your BIACompanyFiles repo
cd "...\\BIACompanyFiles"
git diff --no-index V3.3.3 V3.4.0 > .\\Migration\\CF_3.3.3-3.4.0.patch
  • replace in this file a/V3.3.3/ by a/
  • and b/V3.4.0/ by b/
  • Commit your BIACompanyFiles repo

Add notice to apply the migration

  • in the migration document in folder BIADemo\Docs\Migration creation a migration file with following instruction (change the version number and remove the \ before ```):
1. Apply the patch
* Copy the file [3.2.2-3.3.0.patch](./Patch/3.2.2-3.3.0.patch) in the project folder.
* Replace BIATemplate by the name of your project
* Replace biatemplate by the name of your project in lower case
* Replace TheBIADevCompany by the name of your company
* Run the following command in Git Batch
\``` ps
cd "...\\YourProject"
git apply --reject --whitespace=fix "3.2.2-3.3.0.patch"

2. Analyze the .rej file (search "diff a/" in VS code) that have been created in your project folder
=> It is change that cannot be apply automatically.
=> Apply manually the change.
  • Complete the migration document : Write custom change to apply to back and front. ...