Prepare Migration
If it was not done at the delivery set tags on project BIATEMPLATE at the last commit of the delivery
- To have the full log history open powershell:
cd ...\BIATemplate
git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ad"
- select the correct commit id corresponding to the date
- Create the tag directly in the azure devops interface: (
- Sync your local repository BIATemplate
Create the git differential patch
- Use git batch (V2.30.1 or higher) and run command (ex for V3.2.0 to V3.2.2):
cd "...\\BIATemplate"
git diff V3.2.0 V3.2.2 > ..\\BIADemo\\Docs\\Migration\\Patch\\3.2.0-3.2.2.patch
- In your BIACompanyFiles repo copy the last version folder and rename it with the new version name.
- Apply in this new folder the difference concerning your company files (generally it is in the appsettings.(...).json or bianetconfig.(...).json)
- Create the diff for company files in your BIACompanyFiles repo
cd "...\\BIACompanyFiles"
git diff --no-index V3.3.3 V3.4.0 > .\\Migration\\CF_3.3.3-3.4.0.patch
- replace in this file a/V3.3.3/ by a/
- and b/V3.4.0/ by b/
- Commit your BIACompanyFiles repo
Add notice to apply the migration
- in the migration document in folder BIADemo\Docs\Migration creation a migration file with following instruction (change the version number and remove the \ before ```):
1. Apply the patch
* Copy the file [3.2.2-3.3.0.patch](./Patch/3.2.2-3.3.0.patch) in the project folder.
* Replace BIATemplate by the name of your project
* Replace biatemplate by the name of your project in lower case
* Replace TheBIADevCompany by the name of your company
* Run the following command in Git Batch
\``` ps
cd "...\\YourProject"
git apply --reject --whitespace=fix "3.2.2-3.3.0.patch"
2. Analyze the .rej file (search "diff a/" in VS code) that have been created in your project folder
=> It is change that cannot be apply automatically.
=> Apply manually the change.
- Complete the migration document : Write custom change to apply to back and front. ...