V3.10.0 (2024-09-27)
- Add FirstName and LastName in Token.
- Fix vulnerabilities.
- Allow embedded items CRUD + example in plane-specific.
- Fix deprecated warnings.
- Clean UserProfile unused code.
- Move BIAToolkit config CRUD file.
- Fix Site deleting error.
- Fix user null when adding member.
- Fix on plane similarTypes empty.
- Fix CSV export not taking advanced filter into account.
- Upgrade to Angular 17.
- Upgrade to Primeng 17.
- Change private to protected for front bia classes.
- Avoid service worker loading error when it is not enabled.
- Activate state immutability in NgRx stores.
- Activating strict templates option.
- Fix (un)selectAll not updating view in tables.
- Allow easier exit of line creation or line edit in CalcMode.
- Fix filter empty notempty for string.
- Fix authorization on page loading after refresh or initial page.
- Fix space key not registered in CalcMode edit.
- Add Nullable and not nullable field for each type in plane CRUD.
- Database handler parameter to use custom mode without Databroker.
- Add LogHelper to time the execution of instructions.
- Add methods comments in swagger.
- Improve front user exception.
- New RoleType ClaimsToRole.
- Automatic dependency injection with RegisterServicesFromAssembly method.
- Move notificationDomainService to notificationAppService.
- Remove dependency to ASPNetCore in DeployDb.
- Add deepcopy method.
V3.9.0 (2024-07-09)
- Mapper are injectable, and can be customize with injectable parameters (userId, permission...)
- Right on team are review to be more flexible with children teams.
- Multi sort (can sort by several column with ctrl key)
- Site members : display and sort by last name (and not first name).
- Add filters : not end with / not start with / empty date / not empty date.
- Filter header adapted to all type
- Possibility to export/import at csv format for massif add, update or delete.
- Fix position of a column.
- CRUD + forms : Additional parameter on field
- isVisible: possibility to hide a field.
- isOnlyInitializable: field can be change at creation but not at update.
- isOnlyUpdatable: field can be change at update but not at creation.
- displayFormat: BiaFieldNumberFormat > manage the display format for decimal and currency field.
- Added error log in all controller actions.
- Translation of roles in headers
- Fix time display + 2 after edit
- Fix notification does not go to read
- Fix pb shared view team setting by default
- Fix right management for team child of team.
- Improve lint.
- Fix pb scroll navigation if number of lines displayed important.
- Fix field disabled, the value disappears from the edit inline list.
- Fix When you activate the Angular service worker and deactivate it => weird behavior.
- Expand combo list of columns.
- Name extracted .csv file contains the view name.
- Fix Excel like uncorrelate canEdit/canAdd
- Fix bug dropdown excel like
- Fix error selected elements BiaTable.
- Fix If 2 identical view s, impossible to select the 2nd.
- Fix Searching for "column display" combobox doesn't work.
- Fix combobox color problem "SelectRole".
- Replace deprecated function in front.
.Net 8
Access unauthorize render a 403 error (no more 500)
Use a list of WebApp to wake up to not have to comment code when back or front only or 2 front.
Clean distributed cache at deploy db.
Replace Bulk insert by a mode (only compatible SQLserver)
Bulk Update and Delete are deprecated => should use .Net 8 native method.
Improve GetAllElementsAndCountAsync with ReadOnly
V3.8.0 (2023-10-31)
- More compliant with IISExpress and use port 32128
- Possibility to be without database for WebApi used as Connector:
- Remove User info in Token light.
- Button token light added swagger to be able to test.
- Disable distributed cache is possible.
- BIADistributedCache switch to BIALocalCache if distributed cache is disable
- Angular 16.
- Remove flex-layout.
- Add badge on filter when there is a filter on a column.
- Add custom validators.
- Translate of the role in User list, fix when language change.
- Remove icon in list title if not sorted
- Possibility to set an icon instead of the title in CRUD list.
- UserManager is optional, specific mapping Role to permission can be manage by environment.
- Keycloak authentication review.
- Add Draw io model.
- Add TOptionDto for non int id.
- Separate setting between IIS and IISExpress.
- Add direct navigation in junction (for new crud only).
- Add NLog rule for EntityFrameworkCore.
- Add the permission Background_Task_Admin for Admin.
- Remove unencrypted token.
- Swagger GetAll works without change parameters
- Display error message when deployDB crash at deployment.
- Get AD Group form authentication claims (faster and no cache needed).
- Stop deployment if error during deployDB
- Timeout for deployDb is configurable
- Fix sync user crash when login not in AD
- Fix stop service and App pool at deployment.
V3.7.5.1 (Patch - 2023-09-19)
- Add NLog rule for EntityFrameworkCore.
V3.7.5 (Patch - 2023-09-14)
- More compliant with IISExpress
- Correct bug on non active user when UserInDB not use, that create huge log and consume lot of CPU.
- Correct daily synchronization in UserInDB mode.
V3.7.4.1 (Patch - 2023-07-12)
- BIA.Net.Core.Infrastructure.Service: Correct a bug with user group synchronization.
V3.7.4 (Patch - 2023-06-16)
- Add the Mode LdapWithSidHistory.
- Faster management of ForeignSecurityIdentity.
- Add Filter on ldapDomain to search faster users.
V3.7.3 (Patch - 2023-05-12)
- Check identity on Login only
- User In DB
- Separate role UserManager from Admin
V3.7.2 (2022-12-05)
- Correct update roles on existing member.
V3.7.1 (2022-10-03)
- Header filter can now take complex criteria (date before, after, contains, begins... and, or).
- Teams: Remove TeamId Parameter
- Teams: Template style for member
- Advanced filter more robust
- Standardize Sites, Users and Members CRUD
- Team new format (for new creation only)
- Fix Date Format
V3.7.0 (2022-09-14)
npm start
is now for IIS Express (usenpm run start4iis
to launch the angular for IIS)- Add KeyCloak compatibility
- Correct Matomo tracking (bug introduce in V3.6.0)
- .Net6.0
- Add Linux Container compatibility
- The worker service run in a service (no more in a web application)
- WebApiRepository.PostAsync parameter for body doesn't expect a json string anymore but the object or list of objects. Stringification is handled by the PostAsync method.
WebApiRepository.PostAsync<T, U>(string url, U body, bool useBearerToken = false, bool isFormUrlEncoded = false)
- Angular 13, PrimeNg 13, PrimeIcon V5
- Keep state of the BiaTable View when live and come back to a screen (only when view is activated)
- Possibility to sort the column.
- Extract based on the sort and selection of the column.
- The table header controller component design changes. the view and show lists are now positioned on the left. The list scrollbar is higher.
- Lighter application (remove unused dependencies)
- Solve bug in CRUD index when deselect all.
- Possibility to switch modes of CRUD (view, calc, offline, popup)
V3.6.5.1 (Patch - 2023-09-19)
- Add NLog rule for EntityFrameworkCore.
V3.6.5 (Patch - 2023-09-14)
- More compliant with IISExpress
Correct bug on non active user when UserInDB not use, that create huge log and consume lot of CPU.
Correct daily synchronization in UserInDB mode.
V3.6.4.1 (Patch - 2023-07-12)
- BIA.Net.Core.Infrastructure.Service: Correct a bug with user group synchronization.
V3.6.4 (Patch - 2023-06-15)
- Add the Mode LdapWithSidHistory.
- Faster management of ForeignSecurityIdentity.
- Add Filter on ldapDomain to search faster users.
V3.6.3 (Patch - 2023-05-12)
- Check identity on Login only
- User In DB
- Separate role UserManager from Admin
V3.6.2 (2022-06-17)
- Correct right for admin at start uo (add permission for role Admin: User_Options, Roles_Option, "Notification_List_Access", "Notification_Delete", "Notification_Read" + Get the current Teams when Admin)
- Correct deployment (BiaNetConfig.json bad formated)
- Correct the Bulk Update and Delete when pool user not db_owner of the dataBase
- Offline bug : Endpoint missing in post, multiple call to back, token that does not refresh, add an observable triggered at the end of the syncho.
V3.6.1 (2022-05-06)
- Change the format of the NotificationTeamDto
- Correct bug in inheritance of CrudAppServiceListAndItemBase
- Notification edition work for notified teams
- Refresh notification when read
- Refresh star when select default site/role
V3.6.0 (2022-05-02)
- DB Event Auditing
- Rights and views by teams
- Offline mode
- Cross or team notifications
- Adding users from AD for Site_Admin
- Hangfire authentication JWT
- Read only context is usable with the repository
- Bulk insert, update and delete is usable with the repository (without license)
- WebApi connector (abstract class)
- Helper impersonation
- New organistion for bia domain and bia repository, placed in separate folder
V3.5.5.1 (Patch - 2023-09-19)
- Add NLog rule for EntityFrameworkCore.
V3.5.5 (Patch - 2023-09-18)
- More compliant with IISExpress
- Correct bug on non active user when UserInDB not use, that create huge log and consume lot of CPU.
- Correct daily synchrnonisation in UserInDB mode.
V3.5.4.1 (Patch - 2023-07-12)
- BIA.Net.Core.Infrastructure.Service: Correct a bug with user group synchronization.
V3.5.4 (Patch - 2023-06-14)
- Add the Mode LdapWithSidHistory.
- Faster management of ForeignSecurityIdentity.
- Add Filter on ldapDomain to search faster users.
V3.5.3 (Patch - 2023-05-12)
- Check identity on Login only
- User In DB
- Separate role UserManager from Admin
V3.5.1 (2022-02-08)
- Possibility to inject ExternalJS in front depending on back environement.
- Solve bug in order list
- Custom Scss include in project
- Correct all roles get signalR notification
V3.5.0.1 (2022-01-23)
- Solve bug in Test unitary
- Breadcrumb disappear at home
- Correct switch of theme (bug in prod only)
V3.5.0 (2022-01-21)
- Manage Time only with or without second
- Manage Id other than int
- Translate in DB (use by role and notification)
- Faster authentication
- Template for CRUD in Doc
- Angular 12
- NG lint ok
V3.4.5.1 (Patch - 2023-09-19)
- Add NLog rule for EntityFrameworkCore.
V3.4.5 (Patch - 2023-09-18)
- More compliant with IISExpress
- Correct bug on non active user when UserInDB not use, that create huge log and consume lot of CPU.
- Correct daily synchrnonisation in UserInDB mode.
V3.4.4.1 (Patch - 2023-07-13)
- BIA.Net.Core.Infrastructure.Service: Correct a bug with user group synchronization.
V3.4.4 (Patch - 2023-06-13)
- Add the Mode LdapWithSidHistory.
- Faster management of ForeignSecurityIdentity.
- Add Filter on ldapDomain to search faster users.
V3.4.3 (Patch - 2023-05-12)
- Check identity on Login only
- User In DB
- Separate role UserManager from Admin
V3.4.2 (2021-10-08)
- notification system (translation of title and description can be temporally done in i18n or not, but it will change in next version)
- The signalR message are now filter by feature and site.
- Authentication send current site and current roles
- Permission table is created
- Roles are translate in i18n files
- The client for hub (SignalR) in now a domain service
V3.4.1 (2021-07-16)
- Add general project file (ReadMe + Change Log)
- Remove Doc (now in BIADocs)
- Correct GitIgnore
- The switch to nuget now limit to minor version eg : 3.4.*
- Add launch settings for IIS
V3.4.0 (2021-07-16)
- .Net5.0
- Bulk function in repository.
- PostgreSQL compatibility.
V3.3.6.1 (Patch - 2023-09-19)
- Add NLog rule for EntityFrameworkCore.
V3.3.6 (Patch - 2023-09-15)
- More compliant with IISExpress
- Correct bug on non active user when UserInDB not use, that create huge log and consume lot of CPU.
- Correct daily synchrnonisation in UserInDB mode.
V3.3.5.1 (Patch - 2023-07-13)
- BIA.Net.Core.Infrastructure.Service: Correct a bug with user group synchronization.
V3.3.5 (Patch - 2023-06-08)
- Add the Mode LdapWithSidHistory.
- Faster management of ForeignSecurityIdentity.
- Add Filter on ldapDomain to search faster users.
V3.3.4 (Patch - 2023-04-21)
- Check identity on Login only
- User In DB
- Separate role UserManager from Admin
V3.3.3 (2021-06-25)
- New helper in common to compare string.
- Universal Mode for CRUD.
V3.3.2 (2021-05-28)
- Possibility for the user to choice his role.
- Click on site open manage member.
- Member is a children of site with related service and breadcrumb.
- Adding the Calc mode for CRUD.
V3.3.1 (2021-03-31)
- DeployDB use native code First mechanism
- Use the new clustered database
- Add the MapperMode flag in FilteredService to not multiplicate mapper when only a part of the field are to update.
- Add the project title on hangfire dashboard.
- Suppress all warning in test and generated code.
V3.3.0 (2021-01-15)
- Add feature management (posibilité to activate and desactivate powerfull feature like swagger, SignalR...)
- Add Unitary Test
- Add feature in Api HubForClients (use SignalR to push messge to all client connected, compatible with multi front)
- Add feature in Api DelegateJobToWorker (use Hangfire to launch job in the worker)
- Add feature in worker DatabaseHandler (detect the change in db immediatlty)
- Add feature in worker HubForClients (use the Api feture HubForClients to push message to all web client connected)
- WorkerService is now a web api with the hangfire Dashboard.
- Date bug fix
- Matomo integration
- Crud generation support complex name (like plane-type)
- Add choice of the site for Admin
V3.2.2 (2020-10-16)
- Solve bug with Zodiac user
- Deactivate swagger in no dev environment
- Add color by environment
- Remove the popup when token expire
- Generate a new secret key at deployment
- Color by env.
V3.2.1 (2020-10-16)
- Add the worker service (hangfire)
V3.2.0 (2020-10-16)
- Use of BIA.core nuget package (1 by layer)
- Compatibility with multi ad environment (usage of user sid) => change the database model
- angular 9.1.12
V3.2.0 (2020-10-16)
- Use of BIA.core nuget package (1 by layer)
- Compatibility with multi ad environment
V3.1.1 (2020-06-26)
- Bug Fix
V3.1.0 (2020-05-04)
- views
V3.0.0 (2020-10-02)
- .NET Core 3.1.1
- angular 8.2.14