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Version: 3.10.0


This file explains what teams are and how to add new type of team to your project.

What is a team?

A team is an item on which we give roles to users. Therefore, when you add a new type of team you can create many teams of this type and add members with roles of those teams.

The initial generation of the project, generate a default type of team. It is the type "Site". You can start the application and go in Site menu to understand the usage.

In the following code sample replace [YourTeamType] by the name of your type type.

Create a team

You can use BIAToolKit to create a team.

Follow instructions here.

Otherwise, see next chapters.


Add the team type

Add the TeamType :

  • In Crosscutting.Common\Enum\TeamTypeId.cs
    • add in enum TeamTypeId: the new teamType and increment the Id value.
      /// <summary>
    /// Value for site.
    /// </summary>
    [YourTeamType] = [IdTeamType],
    • add in TeamTypeRightPrefix.mapping: the prefix string use for right...
      { TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType], "[YourTeamType]" },
  • (Optionally) In Crosscutting.Common\Enum\RoleId.cs in enum RoleId
    • add the role that will be use for this type of team (one line per role). ex :
      [YourRoleName] = [IdRole],
  • In Infrastructure.Data\ModelBuilders\UserModelBuilder.cs
    • in function CreateTeamTypeModel add your teamType in base:
      modelBuilder.Entity<TeamType>().HasData(new TeamType { Id = (int)TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType], Name = "[YourTeamType]" });
    • (Optionally) in function CreateTeamTypeRoleModel add the mapping between the role and your teamType. (one line per role)
      rt.HasData(new { TeamTypesId = (int)TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType], RolesId = (int)RoleId.[YourRoleName] });
  • In AuthController > function Login() > variable loginParam
    • add following line adapt roleMode and inHeader
      new TeamConfigDto { TeamTypeId = (int)TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType], RoleMode = RoleMode.AllRoles, InHeader = true },
  • In Domain > UserModule > Aggregate > TeamMapper
    • (Optionally) Complete the methods GetParentTeamId and GetParentTeamTitle if your team is a child team of another one. You must have the model CRUD created at first (see next chapter).
    private static int GetParentTeamId(Team team)
    return team switch
    [YourTeam] yourTeam => team.TeamTypeId == (int)TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType] ? yourTeam.ParentTeamId : 0,
    _ => 0

    private static string GetParentTeamTitle(Team team)
    return team switch
    [YourTeam] yourTeam => team.TeamTypeId == (int)TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType] ? yourTeam.Parent.Title : string.Empty,
    _ => string.Empty
  • Add the TeamConfig to manage the permission on the team controller and service
    • in Domain/UserModule/Aggregate/TeamConfig.cs add an element like that:
      • if the team have no parent and no child:
              new BiaTeamConfig<Team>()
      TeamTypeId = (int)TeamTypeId.Site,
      RightPrefix = "Site",
      AdminRoleIds = new int[] { (int)RoleId.SiteAdmin },
      • if the team have a chid and no parent:
              new BiaTeamConfig<Team>()
      TeamTypeId = (int)TeamTypeId.AircraftMaintenanceCompany,
      RightPrefix = "AircraftMaintenanceCompany",
      AdminRoleIds = new int[] { (int)RoleId.Supervisor },
      Children = new ImmutableListBuilder<BiaTeamChildrenConfig<Team>>
      new BiaTeamChildrenConfig<Team>
      TeamTypeId = (int)TeamTypeId.MaintenanceTeam,
      GetChilds = team => (team as AircraftMaintenanceCompany).MaintenanceTeams,
      • if the team have a parent and no child:
              new BiaTeamConfig<Team>()
      TeamTypeId = (int)TeamTypeId.MaintenanceTeam,
      RightPrefix = "MaintenanceTeam",
      AdminRoleIds = new int[] { (int)RoleId.MaintenanceTeamAdmin },

      // BIAToolKit - Begin Nested Parent AircraftMaintenanceCompany
      Parents = new ImmutableListBuilder<BiaTeamParentConfig<Team>>
      new BiaTeamParentConfig<Team>
      TeamTypeId = (int)TeamTypeId.AircraftMaintenanceCompany,
      GetParent = team => (team as MaintenanceTeam).AircraftMaintenanceCompany,
    • TeamTypeId : is the team type id define in Crosscutting.Common\Enum\TeamTypeId.cs
    • RightPrefix : is use to prefix all the permission right.
    • AdminRoleIds : is the list of the ids of the roles that can administrate the teams. It is necessary to display correctly the list of administrators in the CRUD.
    • Children : it list the children teams. To be able to see the parent teams when you are member of one child team.
    • Parent : it list the parent teams. To be able to see the children teams when you are member of one parents team. To be able to retrieve the parent teams and ensure that the right of the child team is compute in a correct context.

Add the team CRUD

Duplicate the files of Site elements and replace Site by the name of your team. You have:

  • Infrastructure.Data\ModelBuilders\SiteModelBuilder.cs
  • Domain\SiteModule\ ...
  • Domain.Dto\Site\ ...
  • Application\Site\ ...
  • Presentation.Api\Controllers\Site\SitesController.cs

And similar to CRUD_Back the basic right just be added in

  • CrossCutting.Common\Right.cs
  • Presentation.Api\bianetconfig.json

For injection similar to CRUD_Back update:

  • Crosscutting.Ioc\IocContainer.cs: => Into the “ConfigureApplicationContainer” function add a Transient on the service.

In addition, to finish update the database.


Add the team type

  • In Angular\src\app\shared\constants.ts
    • In TeamTypeId add the team type id (similar to back)
      [YourTeamType] = [IdTeamType],
    • In TeamTypeRightPrefix dictionary add the mapping with prefix (similar to back)
      {key: TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType], value: "[YourTeamType]"},
  • In Angular\src\environments\all-environments.ts
    • add the following line and adapt roleMode and inHeader similarly to loginParam in back
      { teamTypeId: TeamTypeId.[YourTeamType], roleMode: RoleMode.AllRoles, inHeader: true },

Add the team CRUD

The procedure is similar to the CRUD_Front.

Filter Sub teams in header

In case of a team type child of team type you have to filer the children teams by their parent. Modify the LoginOnTeamsAsync(LoginParamDto loginParam) function in AuthAppService.cs. Example for a team type "MaintenanceTeam" child of a team type "AircraftMaintenanceCompany"

    AdditionalInfoDto additionalInfo = null;
if (loginParam.AdditionalInfos)
// TO REMOVE additionalInfo = new AdditionalInfoDto { UserInfo = userInfo, UserProfile = userProfile, Teams = allTeams.ToList() };

CurrentTeamDto currentAircraftMaintenanceCompany = userData.CurrentTeams?.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.TeamTypeId == (int)TeamTypeId.AircraftMaintenanceCompany);
additionalInfo = new AdditionalInfoDto
UserInfo = userInfo, UserProfile = userProfile,
Teams = allTeams.Where(t => t.TeamTypeId != (int)TeamTypeId.MaintenanceTeam || t.ParentTeamId == currentAircraftMaintenanceCompany?.TeamId).ToList(),
