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Version: 3.10.0

Hub for Clients (Api and Worker Feature)

This file explains what to use the the hub for client feature in your V3 project.


Knowledge to have:


The Web clients are connected to one Web front server using SignalR. The server can push event to the Connected Clients. The front are connected with the redis server. The endpoint for this service is "HubForClients" (ie: http://localhost/[YourProjectName]/WebApi/HubForClients)


  • bianetconfig.json In the BIANet Section add:
    "ApiFeatures": {
"HubForClients": {
"Activate": true
  • bianetconfig.ENV.json (4 files not Development) In the BIANet Section add:
    "ApiFeatures": {
"HubForClients": {
"RedisConnectionString": "[FqdnYourRedisServer]",
"RedisChannelPrefix": "[YourProjectName]"

replace [FqdnYourRedisServer] by the FQDN of your redis server replace [YourCompanyName] by the name of your company replace [YourProjectName] by the name of your project replace [ENV] by the corresponding env of the file (int, uat, prd or pra)