Version best practices
The goal of this page is to harmonize the versioning usage for all projects build with the BIAFramework.
Common strategy:
- The version string 1.2.3 indicates major version 1, minor version 2, and fix 3
When update the major version:
- For a full stack project:
- When several screens changes or the way of navigation.
- For an huge development change. (i.e. > 30 man day)
- For a web api project:
- Incompatible API changes
When update the minor version:
- For a full stack project:
- Adding new functionality, new screen or change a display.
- Other minor change.
- For a web api project:
- Adding new functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
When update the fix:
- For a bug fix only.
Where change the version
One time the version is determined you should change it:
- In the back source in DoteNet\Company.Project.Crosscutting.Common\Constants.cs
- You have 2 variables : BackEndVersion and FrontEndVersion. They can be different if you do not want to force the reload of the front after a minor change or bug fix in back part.
- But
- the FrontEndVersion should be the same than in the front source.
- the BackEndVersion should always be equals or greater than FrontEndVersion.
- In the front source in Angular\src\environments\all-environments.ts
- At the creation of the release with GitFlow at format V1.2.3 (see : Git Branching best practices)
- At the deployment you have to specified the version name at format V1.2.3.