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Create an OPTION

This document explains how to quickly create a option module in domain. It will be use to populate combo list and multiselect in features forms.
For this example, we imagine that we want to create a new feature with the name: aircrafts.


The back-end is ready, i.e. the Aircraft controller exists as well as permissions such as Aircraft_Option. This controller should have a GetAllOptions function that return a list of OptionDto

Create a new domain manually

First, create a new aircrafts folder under the src\app\domains folder of your project.
Then copy, paste and unzip into this feature aircrafts folder the contents of :

  • Angular\docs\

Then, inside the folder of your new feature, execute the file new-option-module.ps1
For new option name? (singular), type aircraft
For new option name? (plural), type aircrafts
When finished, you can delete new-option-module.ps1

Create a new domain automatically

Use the BIAToolKit on CRUD Generation tab with (at least) 'Front' (for generation) and 'Option' (for Generation Type).

Don't forget to fill option name on singular (i.e. aircraft) and plural form (i.e. aircrafts).