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Back Exception Handler

This document explains how back-end exceptions can be handled through the BIA Framework.

Configure API Exception Handler

In the Startup class, within the Configure method, ensure there is a call to the extension ConfigureApiExceptionHandler, passing a boolean parameter to indicate whether the host environment is a development environment :

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, IJwtFactory jwtFactory)
// ...
// ...

This extension adds an exception handler middleware to the IApplicationBuilder to catch all unhandled exceptions before returning the HttpResponse. An error log will be automatically created with the exception content.

If the environment is not a development environment, the HttpStatusCode will be set to 500, and the HttpResponse.Body will be replaced with an "Internal server error" message to anonymize the application's errors.


This is a custom exception used to display specific details to the end user of the application :

public class FrontUserException : Exception
/// <summary>
/// The error message key.
/// </summary>
public FrontUserExceptionErrorMessageKey ErrorMessageKey { get; } = FrontUserExceptionErrorMessageKey.Unknown;

/// <summary>
/// The parameters to format into the current <see cref="Exception.Message"/>.
/// </summary>
public string[] ErrorMessageParameters { get; } = [];

An ErrorMessageKey is used to identify the type of error and retrieve the corresponding user-friendly error message.

A set of ErrorMessageParameters can be used in combination with the manual Message or the corresponding message according to the ErrorMessageKey to format the final user-friendly error message to be returned.

The FrontUserExceptionErrorMessageKey enum is a list of common errors that can be automatically handled by the BIA Framework and configured to use a corresponding user-friendly error message.

FrontUserException Inheritance

If needed, the FrontUserException can be inherited by a custom exception, adding a new enum identifier to improve exception identification throughout the application :

public enum CustomErrorMessageKey

public class CustomFrontUserException : FrontUserException
public CustomFrontUserException(CustomErrorMessageKey errorMessageKey, Exception? innerException, params string[] errorMessageParameters)
: base(GetErrorMessage(errorMessageKey), innerException, errorMessageParameters)
ErrorMessageKey = errorMessageKey;

// Mind the new instruction
public new CustomErrorMessageKey ErrorMessageKey { get; }

// Write your own method to get user friendly error message by key
private static string GetErrorMessage(CustomErrorMessageKey errorMessageKey)
return errorMessageKey switch
CustomErrorMessageKey.BusinessError => "This is a business error",
CustomErrorMessageKey.TemplateBusinessError => "This is a template business error - {0} - {1}",

API Exception Handler with FrontUserException

When a FrontUserException is thrown and not handled, the API Exception Handler will automatically change the HttpStatusCode to 422 and return the error message to the end user inside the HttpResponse.Body.

The exception handler will automatically format the exception Message with the provided ErrorMessageParameters, if any, inside the HttpResponse.Body.

If the Message is null or empty (which is the case when using the FrontUserException constructor with only the innerException parameter), the HttpResponse.Body will contain the base exception message of the inner exception. For anonymization purposes, if the environment is not a development environment in that case, the HttpResponse.Body will only contain the message "Internal server error".

In a web application with a front end, the BIA Framework Angular will display an error pop-up with the error message.

Throw a FrontUserException

The FrontUserException can be initialized with multiple constructors :

// FrontUserException with only custom message
throw new FrontUserException("This is an error message", innerException: null);
// FrontUserException with only error message key
throw new FrontUserException(FrontUserExceptionErrorMessageKey.DatabaseDuplicateKey, innerException: null);
// FrontUserException with a custom templated message
throw new FrontUserException("This is an {0} {1}", innerException: null, "error", "message");

// Do something
catch (Exception ex)
// FrontUserException with only inner exception
throw new FrontUserException(ex);

When using the constructor with only the innerException parameter, the error message of the FrontUserException will be an empty string.

Catch a FrontUserException

The BIA Framework will throw some FrontUserException, allowing developers to catch them.

Most of these exceptions are raised from the Data layer and handled by the Domain layer inside the FilteredServiceBase class in a dedicated method HandleFrontUserException.

The purpose of this method is to analyze the content of the original FrontUserException coming from sub-layers and return a new one if needed.

This method can be overridden by all inherited objects from FilteredServiceBase to allow the developer to create custom behaviors:

protected override Exception HandleFrontUserException(FrontUserException frontUserException)
// Return a new FrontUserException with custom message, ignore previous exception
return new FrontUserException("Custom message");

// Do some actions based on the ErrorMessageKey
if (frontUserException.ErrorMessageKey == FrontUserExceptionErrorMessageKey.DatabaseDuplicateKey)
// Do something...
// Return the FrontUserException handling by base service
return base.HandleFrontUserException(frontUserException);

// Return a new FrontUserException by specific ErrorMessageKey
return frontUserException switch
FrontUserExceptionErrorMessageKey.DatabaseDuplicateKey => new FrontUserException("A similar {0} exists with the same value", frontUserException, nameof(MyEntity))
_ => new FrontUserException("Application error, please contact support", frontUserException)

// Returning a null Exception will stop the catch instruction handling the original FrontUserException
return null;

When some error information to fill in the error message template is not available in the error context, you can throw a new FrontUserException based on the original in the higher call context with the available information by redefining and completing the errorMessageParameters parameter.

Consider the example using the CustomFrontUserException defined in the FrontUserException Inheritance. The associated error message for TemplateBusinessError is "This is a template business error - 0 - 1". The first template information is available in the DeepLayer, but the second one can only be retrieved in the higher call context Layer :

public class DeepLayer
private string DeepInformation => "Deep";

public void Do()
// Do something
catch (Exception ex)
// Original CustomFrontUserException
throw new CustomFrontUserException(CustomErrorMessageKey.TemplateBusinessError, ex, DeepInformation);

public class Layer
private readonly DeepLayer deepLayer;
private string LayerInformation => "Layer";

public Layer(DeepLayer deepLayer)
this.deepLayer = deepLayer;

public void Do()
catch (CustomFrontUserException ex)
// Catch the kind of CustomFrontUserException to complete
if (ex.ErrorMessageKey == CustomErrorMessageKey.TemplateBusinessError)
// Throw new CustomFrontUserException using previous one data and complete with more error message parameters
throw new CustomFrontUserException(ex.ErrorMessageKey, ex.InnerException, [.. ex.ErrorMessageParameters, this.LayerInformation]);


When the final CustomFrontUserException thrown is caught by the API Exception Handler, the formatted message will be "This is a template business error - Deep - Layer".

Note: When configuring templated error messages, ensure to provide the correct number of errorMessageParameters before the catch in the API exception handler to avoid format exceptions.