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Version: 3.9.0

Plan the application development

Specify with mockup

Firstly, the business should be consult to understand the need:

  • Screen mockups will be design.
  • The mockups will be challenge to match as much as possible with standard component of the framework. (CRUD, Form, Graph and Prime NG component)

Estimate the cost

After the agreement with the business, the calculation of the cost can be estimate:

  • Study all screen and determine the component needed, back compute service to code, and complexity of the data model. For every item, a level of complexity is determinate.
  • The build cost will be compute in an estimation matrix. In this matrix, every item have a cost regarding there complexity.
  • Additional cost will be add by percentage of the “build cost” this percentage will be adapt by return of experience on older project.
  • The result should be share with project manager to plan the development.