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Version: 3.9.0

Filter data

This file explains how to filter data by the team.

Data model

Check that the data model is compliant with the recommendation in : Develop application

Filter in service

If the data model is correct for every item table you have an link on an unique team.

For all service that inherit of FilteredServiceBase (or CrudAppServiceBase ...) you can implement a security filter in the service constructor. Filter can be apply at different level : All, Read, Update, Delete

  • If Delete filter is not defined the Delete filter use the Update filter
  • If Update filter is not defined the Update filter use the Read filter
  • If Read filter is not defined the Update filter use the All filter
  • If All filter is not defined there is no restriction.

All actions that get data (GetAllAsync, GetCsvAsync, GetRangeAsync ...) use the Read filter by default (it can be change in the parameter accessMode) All actions that update data (UpdateAsync ...) use the Update filter by default (it can be change in the parameter accessMode) All actions that delete data (RemoveAsync ...) use the Delete filter by default (it can be change in the parameter accessMode)

Implement a filter on current team

General usage for a service of a item table: The current team (selected in upper right combo) is accessible with userData.GetCurrentTeamId. You can write the filter with an linq syntax that compare the team of the item with the current Site (p => p.SiteId in following example)

    public PlaneAppService(ITGenericRepository<Plane, int> repository, IPrincipal principal)
: base(repository)
var userData = (principal as BIAClaimsPrincipal).GetUserData<UserDataDto>();
this.currentSiteId = userData != null ? userData.GetCurrentTeamId((int)TeamTypeId.Site) : 0;
this.filtersContext.Add(AccessMode.Read, new DirectSpecification<Plane>(p => p.SiteId == this.currentSiteId));

Implement a filter read on permission on lock update on current team

General usage for a service of a team table: The user with AccessAll right can see every team (it is for the administrators) The users can see the teams where there are member. The update is lock on current team, with the additional security of right in controller it ensure that only authorized user can perform modification.

    public AircraftMaintenanceCompanyAppService(ITGenericRepository<AircraftMaintenanceCompany, int> repository, IPrincipal principal)
: base(repository)
TeamAppService.ReadSpecification<AircraftMaintenanceCompany>(TeamTypeId.AircraftMaintenanceCompany, principal));

TeamAppService.UpdateSpecification<AircraftMaintenanceCompany>(TeamTypeId.AircraftMaintenanceCompany, principal));

Implement a filter read on role on lock update on current team and parent team

General usage for a service of a team table that is child of an other team table: The user with AccessAll right can see every teams children of the current parent team. The users can see the teams children of the current parent team where there are member . The update is lock on current team, with the additional security of right in controller it ensure that only authorized user can perform modification.

The add function is protected by forcing the parent Id.

        /// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MaintenanceTeamAppService"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="repository">The repository.</param>
/// <param name="principal">The claims principal.</param>
public MaintenanceTeamAppService(ITGenericRepository<MaintenanceTeam, int> repository, IPrincipal principal)
: base(repository)
/* Begin Parent AircraftMaintenanceCompany */
var userData = (principal as BiaClaimsPrincipal).GetUserData<UserDataDto>();
this.currentAircraftMaintenanceCompanyId = userData != null ? userData.GetCurrentTeamId((int)TeamTypeId.AircraftMaintenanceCompany) : 0;
/* End Parent AircraftMaintenanceCompany */

TeamAppService.ReadSpecification<MaintenanceTeam>(TeamTypeId.MaintenanceTeam, principal));

TeamAppService.UpdateSpecification<MaintenanceTeam>(TeamTypeId.MaintenanceTeam, principal));
/* Begin Parent AircraftMaintenanceCompany */

/// <inheritdoc/>
public override Task<MaintenanceTeamDto> AddAsync(MaintenanceTeamDto dto, string mapperMode = null)
dto.AircraftMaintenanceCompanyId = this.currentAircraftMaintenanceCompanyId;
return base.AddAsync(dto, mapperMode);

/* End Parent AircraftMaintenanceCompany */

Implement a filter for parameter table

General usage for a service of a parameter table Data are filter on a business rule.

    /// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UserAppService" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="repository">The repository.</param>
/// <param name="userSynchronizeDomainService">The user synchronize domain service.</param>
/// <param name="configuration">The configuration of the BiaNet section.</param>
/// <param name="userDirectoryHelper">The user directory helper.</param>
/// <param name="logger">The logger.</param>
/// <param name="userContext">The user context.</param>
/// <param name="identityProviderRepository">The identity provider repository.</param>
/// <param name="userIdentityKeyDomainService">The user Identity Key Domain Service.</param>
public UserAppService(
ITGenericRepository<User, int> repository)
: base(repository)
this.FiltersContext.Add(AccessMode.Read, new DirectSpecification<User>(u => u.IsActive));

Do not implement a filter for technical table

General usage for a service of a technical table There isn't controller that access to the service, only internal job. So it is not necessary to filter the data.