Create a CRUD (front)
This document explains how to quickly create a CRUD module feature universal. It means that you can switch this functionalities:
- Navigation in Page mode / Popup Mode
- Use view / Not use view
- Modification in the table / in dedicated form
- Refresh with SignalR / not use signalR
For this example, we imagine that we want to create a new feature with the name: aircraft-type
It is strongly recommended to generate front-end CRUD in same time of back-end CRUD. The back-end is ready, i.e. steps before paragraph 3 are already done.
Generate new feature
Use the BIAToolKit on CRUD Generation tab with (at least) 'Front' (for generation) and 'CRUD' (for Generation Type) checkboxes checked (and Generation 'WebApi' recommended).
Don't forget to fill new crud name on singular (i.e. aircraft-type
) and plural form (i.e. aircrafts-types
It is also necessary to choose 'Display item name'.
If you want to link existing options to the crud, choose option (1 or more) in combobox 'Option item'.
After generation don't forget to :-
Update navigation
Open the file src\app\shared\navigation.ts and in the array NAVIGATION, update path like this
labelKey: 'app.aircraftsTypes',
permissions: [Permission.AircraftType_List_Access],
path: ['/aircrafts-types']
Update translations
- Open the file src\assets\i18n\app\en.json and:
add in "app"
"app": {
"aircraftsType": "Aircrafts types"
"aircraftType": {
"add": "Add aircraft type",
"edit": "Edit aircraft type",
"listOf": "List of aircrafts types"
and add translations of interface properties.
- Open the file src\assets\i18n\app\fr.json and:
add in "app"
"app": {
"aircraftsType": "Type d'aéronefs"
"aircraftType": {
"add": "Ajouter type d'aéronef",
"edit": "Modifier type d'aéronef",
"listOf": "Liste des types d'aéronefs"
and add translations of interface properties.
- Open the file src\assets\i18n\app\es.json and:
add in "app"
"app": {
"aircraftsType": "Aeronaves"
"aircraftType": {
"add": "Añadir tipo de aeronave",
"edit": "Editar tipo de aeronave",
"listOf": "Lista de tipos de aeronaves"
and add translations of interface properties.
When you have finished adding translations, use this site to sort your json:
Relation to Option
Universal Mode
- In universal mode the loading of the relations are done in ...-options-service.ts
- Adapt the lists to display in combo box in :
- the members of the class,
- the constructor
- the function loadAllOptions.
- The list should be OptionDto list in domain. See this page to create the domain feature option.
Enable Views
- Just change the variable useView = false; to useView = true; in the ...constants.ts.
Enable SignalR:
- Just change the variable useSignalR = false; to useSignalR = true; in the ...constants.ts.
Spreadsheet mode
- Just change the variable useCalcMode = false; to useCalcMode = true; in the ...constants.ts.
Bulk mode
- Just change variables useInsert/useUpdate/useDelete = false; to useInsert/useUpdate/useDelete = true; in the ...constants.ts (in bulkMode part).
Specific Input and Output
Since V3.7.0
- You can see an example in BIADemo with the Crud 'planes-specific'
- In views/...-index.component.ts
- Add the function onChange at the end of the file
onChange() {
In function initTableConfiguration() add the flag (specificOutput: true and\or specificInput:true) on field where you want to use a specific input (for calc mode only) or output (=read only)
In views/...-index.component.html
- for non calc mode add the template specificOutput in bia-table
<ng-template pTemplate="specificOutput" let-col="col" let-rowData="rowData">
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="col.field">
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'isActive'">
<i class="pi pi-circle-fill" [style]="'color: ' + (rowData[col.field]?'green':'red')"></i>
</ng-container> <!-- isActive -->
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'capacity'">
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] < 0">
- Negative -
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] === 0">
0 Empty 0
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] > 0 && rowData[col.field] < 10">
+ Small +
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] >= 10 && rowData[col.field] < 100">
++ Medium ++
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] >= 100">
+++ Large +++
</ng-container> <!-- capacity -->
</bia-table>- for Calc mode add the template specificInput and\or specificOutput in app-aircraft-table
<ng-template pTemplate="specificOutput" let-col="col" let-rowData="rowData">
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="col.field">
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'isActive'">
<i class="pi pi-circle-fill" [style]="'color: ' + (rowData[col.field]?'green':'red')"></i>
</ng-container> <!-- isActive -->
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'capacity'">
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] < 0">
- Negative -
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] === 0">
0 Empty 0
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] > 0 && rowData[col.field] < 10">
+ Small +
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] >= 10 && rowData[col.field] < 100">
++ Medium ++
<ng-container *ngIf="rowData[col.field] >= 100">
+++ Large +++
</ng-container> <!-- capacity -->
<ng-template pTemplate="specificInput" let-field="field" let-form="form">
<div [formGroup]="form">
<ng-container [ngSwitch]="field.field">
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'isActive'">
<p-checkbox [binary]="true" [formControlName]="field.field" (onChange)="onChange()"></p-checkbox>
</ng-container> <!-- isActive -->
<ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'capacity'">
<input pInputText type="number" [formControlName]="field.field" (change)="onChange()" />
</ng-container> <!-- capacity -->
- In views/...-index.component.ts
Before V3.7.0 the procedure was only for Specific Input:
For specific properties that are not managed by the Framework, your table component must have an html. In this html, you have to copy/paste the content of the html from bia-calc-table.component.html.
In this html, you must add your components in the SPECIFIC INPUT zone and SPECIFIC OUTPUT zone.
<!-- Begin Add here specific input -->
<!-- End Add here specific input -->
<!-- Begin Add here specific output -->
<!-- End Add here specific output -->
in your typescript file, you must fill the specificInputs property.
specificInputs: string[] = [