Hangfire Recurring Job
This document explains how to implement a recurring job with hangfire
Create the application Job
Proceed like a DelegatedJob : Delegate job to worker Do not do the "Call the job" step.
Add your Task CRON
Calculate the CRON
You can use the site https://crontab.cronhub.io/ to calculate the cron.
Complete the Tasks parameters
Edit your DeployDB/appsetting.json ex:
"Tasks": {
"WakeUp": {
"CRON": "0 6-17 * * *"
"SynchronizeUser": {
"CRON": "0 6 * * *"
Record the cron at db deployment :
Edit your DeployDB/Program.cs
services.AddHangfire(config =>
string projectName = configuration["Project:Name"];
// Initialize here the recurring jobs
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<WakeUpTask>($"{projectName}.{typeof(WakeUpTask).Name}", t => t.Run(), configuration["Tasks:WakeUp:CRON"]);
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<SynchronizeUserTask>($"{projectName}.{typeof(SynchronizeUserTask).Name}", t => t.Run(), configuration["Tasks:SynchronizeUser:CRON"]);