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Hangfire Recurring Job

This document explains how to implement a recurring job with hangfire

Create the application Job

Proceed like a DelegatedJob : Delegate job to worker Do not do the "Call the job" step.

Add your Task CRON

Calculate the CRON

You can use the site to calculate the cron.

Complete the Tasks parameters

Edit your DeployDB/appsetting.json ex:

  "Tasks": {
"WakeUp": {
"CRON": "0 6-17 * * *"
"SynchronizeUser": {
"CRON": "0 6 * * *"

Record the cron at db deployment :

Edit your DeployDB/Program.cs

    services.AddHangfire(config =>
string projectName = configuration["Project:Name"];

// Initialize here the recurring jobs
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<WakeUpTask>($"{projectName}.{typeof(WakeUpTask).Name}", t => t.Run(), configuration["Tasks:WakeUp:CRON"]);
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<SynchronizeUserTask>($"{projectName}.{typeof(SynchronizeUserTask).Name}", t => t.Run(), configuration["Tasks:SynchronizeUser:CRON"]);